Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Business process analysis
  • Cloud computing
  • Cyber-security
  • more...
This Year
No Points
410 Points
MIS Badge

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to validate the recipient

      Vi N Tran
      received 100 points for Spring 2020 Adjustment in Spring 2020
      09 April, 2020
      Vi N Tran
      just received the Apprentice badge
      Vi N Tran
      changed their profile picture
      30 May, 2018
      Vi N Tran
      and 901 others received 50 points for participating in the Fox IT Career Fair in Fall 2017
      01 November, 2017
      Vi N Tran
      posted a new activity comment
      24 October, 2017
      Vi N Tran
      received 100 points for for getting their e-portfolio approved in Fall 2017
      18 September, 2017
      Vi N Tran
      got their e-portfolio approved
      17 September, 2017
      Vi N Tran
      submitted their e-portfolio for approval
      17 September, 2017
      Vi N Tran
      created the site Vi Tran
      17 September, 2017
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